Monday, November 21, 2016

My postgraduate studies

Hello bloggers! How are you? I am going to talk about my future postgraduate studies.
At the present, I am student of second year of forestry at Universidad de Chile and maybe finish the career in three or four years. The curriculum map in fifth year has three options: choice A: Memory, choice B: Extend professional practice and choice C: Do a master. In my case I would like to do extend professional practice or do a master in Wild Areas and Conservation of Nature. 

First I would like to do extend professional practice cause in any work ask for work experience and this way I could have experience for work.
 On the other hand, I would like to do a master in Wild Areas and Conservation of Nature in Universidad de Chile, because it is necessary protect wild areas of Chile due to has much endemism of species and now the ecosystem has changing for effects made by human being such as deforestation, contamination, building of infrastructure and many action that makes damage to ecosystems.

Another option could be made a postgraduate study in other university, for example in Universidad Austral de Chile has a many option to do a master or doctorate such as PhD in Forest Ecosystem and Natural Resources, master in Forest and Environments’ science or master in Forest Resources`science.

Monday, November 14, 2016

My future c:

Hello bloggers!
When I think in my future about family, study,travel,  even my future job I can´t imagine how it will be. The only thing that I hope it is my future make me feel happy.
About my future job in specifically what work area I like to do in this moment I can´t take a decisión, yet. Because In my opinion I have much to learn of my career and I will like to know much. But the conservation is one area what I want to know, due to is very important protect diversity of flora and fauna of ours country.

On the other hand I really like work outdoors such as forest, national park, wild area, even travel to other countries like this I could learn of my profession, country culture and other matter. I can´t be in an office all time and I interested in learning about plants, do plan of conservation to some way avoid what people make damage to ecosystem.    

At finish university I want to begin to accomplish all my dreams. Start by work in a new proyect about conservation and sustainable development in sector of Puelo located in Cochamó commune near of Puerto Montt. Because the place have many remember important to me and at present many hydro-electric power plants wanted damage zone near río Manso y río Puelo.     

Monday, November 7, 2016

National Park Alerce Andino

Hello bloggers!

I going to talk about National Park Alerce Andino, this place is in province of Llanquihue, in comunes of Puerto Montt and Cochamó. This park was created in 17th of november in 1982. There are 39.255 hectares of alerce forest and this specie is in danger of extinction, for that reason the park form part of Reserva de la Biosfera Bosques Templados Lluviosos de Los Andes Australes.  Alerce Andino characterize by his diversity of vegetation and his lake hidden  between rain forest. The forests types in the national park are alerce, coigüe de Magallanes y lenga, but there are much species such as tineo, canelo, tepa, arrayán, differents fern, etc. The animals that you can see  in this place are púdu, zorro chilla, monito del monte, huet-huet, martín pescador, etc.     

My first time in Alerce Andino was in january in 2016. I like so much because of his beautiful landscape and I never think probable see height and big threes such as millenary alerces. On the other hand, when I went up in to the path I felt very tired, because the trekking was so long. But I think the experience of the trekking and memories of the trip are the most important to me.